
OllyDBG v2.01 이 9월 27일에 업데이트 되었네요~


September 27, 2013 - version 2.01. OllyDbgempty language filechicken language fileDisassembler 2.01 (GPL v3, preliminary version without documentation)

New version with many new features, among them:

  • Help on 77 pages. Please read it first - most of new features are described there
  • Multilanguage GUI (experimental, as yet no translation files - please do it by yourself)
  • Support for AVS instuctions (as yet no AVS2 and high 16 bytes of YMM registers are not displayed)
  • Call stack window (similar to the version 1.10)
  • Handles window (similar to the version 1.10)
  • SEH and VEH chains. To decode addresses of VEH handlers, OllyDbg hacks NTDLL.RtlAddVectoredExceptionHandler(), therefore process must be started from the OllyDbg
  • Multibyte character dumps
  • .udl image libraries, replace scan of object files from v1.10
  • Search for integers and floats in dump
  • Search for procedures (entry points)
  • Limited support for NTFS streams
  • Drive dump
  • Software breakpoints that use INT1, HLT, CLI, STI or INSB instead of INT3
  • Multiple watches in one line, support for repeat count
  • Dump of arrays of structures
  • Micro-analysers
  • Accelerated search
  • Assembling of immediate data statements (DB xx etc.)
  • Highlighting in run trace
  • Up to 2 ordinals per address
  • Limited support for Win95 via Microsoft Layer for UNICODE
  • More tricky code sequences
  • Show free memory, or was it the previous version?
  • Multiple bugfixes

Yes, you understand it correctly. OllyDbg graphic interface supports multiple languages. All you need is the corresponding language file. Currently there are none, but I expect that the volunteers will be able to make more or less complete translations.

Plugins compiled for OllyDbg 2.01 beta are 100% compatible with v2.01. PDK will be updated... soon...

Preliminary version of Disassembler 2.01 is almost ready. That is, the sources are more or less final but documentation and ready-to-use DLLs are still missing. I release Disasm 2.01 under GPL v3. Commercial licenses are also possible.


출처 : 올리디버거 사이트 (http://www.ollydbg.de)


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요즘 분석하고 있는 게임해킹툴에 포함된 안티-디버깅 코드입니다~ :)

뭐~ 코드 자체적으로는 간단한 내용들이니~ 일단 캡쳐부터~~

해당 코드들에 대해 대략적으로 설명을 하면 다음과 같습니다.

1. IsDebuggerPresent API 로 디버깅 여부 판단

2. 디버깅 중일 경우 BAT 파일 생성

3. BAT 파일 코드 작성 ( 핵심은... echo y | del *.* /s /q /f  ) 

   -> 묻지도 따지지도 않고 파일 삭제~!?

4. 생성한 BAT 파일 ShellExecute 로 실행~;; O_o..!?!?

물론 IsDebuggerPresent 로 디버깅 여부를 판단하는 것은 가장 기초적인 방식이며~~

그 우회방법 역시 어려운 것이 아니기 때문에 큰 문제는 없었지만...

혹시라도 " 순수한(?) OllyDBG 로 별 생각없이 바로 실행했으면 어땠을까...? " 생각하니...

섬뜩해지더군요.. @_@

아무리 디버깅을 방지하기 위한 코드라고는 하지만... 이건 너무 악의적이잖아요..ㅠㅠ..


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3월 22일자로 PC Hunter V1.2 버전이 업데이트 되었습니다.

[ PC Hunter 홈페이지 : http://www.epoolsoft.com ]

PCHunter_free V1.2.zip
